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Emergency Winter Roof Repairs in Tacoma

Winter storms in the Pacific Northwest can wreak havoc on roofs. Snow, ice, wind, and rain can compromise the integrity of roofing shingles, especially on houses that have older roofs.

Now is a good time to pull out the ladder and perform a basic roof inspection on your home. You can find and fix relatively minor damage before the next major winter storm makes it any worse.

We’re going to look at five things a homeowner in Tacoma can do to ensure that the last wind or rainstorm didn’t cause underlying damage.

If you notice any one of the below issues, it’s best to call ACME Roofing. Our expert eyes can pick up early warning signs that you may not immediately notice and we can suggest the best way to go about making repairs.

Start on the Ground

When you go to inspect your roof, you should start on the ground.  Walk around the perimeter of your house and look on the ground for pieces of broken shingles, dead tree branches, or metal pieces from your roof chimney.

These are all signs that something could be amiss. Roofing shingles don’t and shouldn’t usually fall off of a roof, and neither should metal pieces from the chimney.  Dead tree branches could have fallen onto your roof and caused some material to break away.

By walking the perimeter of your house, you’ll be able to get a rough idea of where the damage on your roof has occurred. Broken roof material doesn’t fall too far from where it originated.

Inspect Gutters

Hail, heavy rain, and wind can act as a proverbial sandpaper, scraping away parts of your roof.  The vast majority of the debris will often accumulate in your gutter. Holes and cracks will start to form and open as more and more granules break free from the shingles.

While it’s normal for some shingle granule material to be lost over time, there will come a point when the integrity of the shingle itself will become compromised and fail.

Now is also an excellent time to clean your rain gutters of leaves and dirt debris as they can trap water which in turn will freeze and cause even more damage as it expands and contracts.

Look for Leaks

Storms are the number one cause of roofing leaks.  Even a minuscule hairline crack can allow water to seep into your home slowly.  Head up into your attic with an LED flashlight and inspect the roof, walls, and floor for signs of moisture or water damage. Mold is a dead giveaway that there is a leak somewhere.

Sometimes the water will have already evaporated by the time you get around to inspecting the attic.  Look for areas of discoloration which could indicate a roof leak. If you store any boxes in your attic, check to see if the cardboard has been warped or shows signs of moisture.

Ignoring the warning signs of a leak can ultimately lead to extensive roof damage and potential health issues due to accumulation of mold. A professional roof inspection can locate and fix small leaks before they turn into big ones.

Damaged Shingles or Tiles

If you can safely get up onto your roof, check for areas where the tiles or shingles have risen up. Bald patches where roofing shingle granules once stood are also another indicator of potential damage spots.

Missing shingles are also another sign that the integrity of your roof has been compromised and the life cycle is near its end. If you go up into your attic and can see daylight, it’s a clear sign that your roof is in dire need of an emergency roof repair.

Emergency Roof Repairs in Tacoma

The winter season isn’t quite over yet, and it’s almost guaranteed that we’ll be having a few more winter and spring storms on the way. If your roof is damaged, compromised, or about to fail, you should strongly consider getting a roof inspection as soon as possible.

All it takes is one particularly strong storm to cause a roof leak to open up. Give us a call at (253) 564-2292 or contact us via our website to learn more about our roof repair services.